Friday, April 25, 2008

Week 18

Congratulations number 2 with 16 votes - your bluebird was a rippa!
The poll is now open to cast your vote for week 17's Free Choice photo. Please pass on this site to friends and family - strangers even, to spread the Gallery word!

And, the theme for week 18 is.......drumroll please.....

Kitchen Utensils!

Good luck everyone!


11. Here's my bunch... !!


2. Nothing tastes better than licking the SPATULA when all the mixing is done...


8. Mr Snotty the egg white separator.


7. The Garden is the kid's kitchen. It's where they make all their 'mixures' so these are their 'Kitchen Utensils'


1. Pingu's Overseas Holiday

f11 ISO 100 1/200 exp time


4. It's a thinga -ma-bob?......... or maybe a hoos-a-whats-it?


5. Gingerbread anyone???




Friday, April 18, 2008

Week 17

Congratulations to both numbers 5 and 7 - another tie for first place for the best portrait photo. And thankyou to those who voted, we had a huge 70 votes this week!

Voting for week 16 BLUE is now open.

And the theme for week 17 is:
Free choice!


4. Baltic Folkart...


8. Castle by the sea.


3. Vine Covered Arch

******************************5. Jurassic Park in my backyard!


2. Time past


6. Irrisistable


1. In my town on ANZAC Day, following the soldiers' time of guarding the cenotaph, our Girl Guides take their turn to honour the fallen and show their respect by doing the same. To see these littlies doing such a duty reminds me that the memories of the fallen will certainly never be forgotten.

Lest We Forget


7. Just the colour and texture screams at me.


9. Self portrait in metal

11. ... sunlight delight through my louvres...


10. Capturing her beauty

Friday, April 11, 2008

Week 16

The new theme for week 16 is care of Melissa Corbett:



No 7. Baby Boy Blue


No 2. Peacock Blue


No. 3 Blue Label Tea


No 1. When I'm feeling blue - I find comfort in my old friends


N0. 8 True BLUE......


No 10. Blue Bottles


No. 5 Blue Window Dressing.


No 9. Blue Ride


No 4. Everyone can be a little bit blue sometimes....


No12. Where is the blue sky?


11. One blue bottom!


Saturday, April 5, 2008

Week 15

Congratulations number three for winning the most votes with your beautiful footprints in the sand photo!

The next theme for week 15 is:

PORTRAIT - Black and White

The poll is now open for voting on your favourite ARCHITECTURE photo - so have a look and see what you think!


7. The love between a father and son.xxxx


8. Portrait of a Giggle.


5. Little girls have a magic all their own....


9. Portrait of a rock star


1. The lines on his face tell his story...


2..... Smiling eyes


10. just perfect.


No 4. That...........not so fresh feeling.

11. living in the moment