Friday, April 11, 2008

Week 16

The new theme for week 16 is care of Melissa Corbett:



No 7. Baby Boy Blue


No 2. Peacock Blue


No. 3 Blue Label Tea


No 1. When I'm feeling blue - I find comfort in my old friends


N0. 8 True BLUE......


No 10. Blue Bottles


No. 5 Blue Window Dressing.


No 9. Blue Ride


No 4. Everyone can be a little bit blue sometimes....


No12. Where is the blue sky?


11. One blue bottom!



Anonymous said...

Ooh - great to see a photo up - I love when they come up early in the week - I keep checking in every day to see if there are new ones! C'mon you girls - I wanna see blue!!!

Anonymous said...

so how many of you girls digitally enhance your photo's?

Anonymous said...

I LIKE your photo, Number 1 - I recognise a few of our old friends in that stack too :)

Anonymous said...

Oh no 1 how I want your enid blyton books to go with my Mr Galliano Circus series of her books.